

Brand Guidelines: What to Include & Why They're Important

A guide to how and why brand guidelines should be used to elevate your branding delivery to clients and ensure a smooth handoff process.

August 27, 2024

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Elevating Your Brand Design Process as a Designer - The Power of Brand Guidelines Templates

Alright, let's talk brand guidelines. We get it, you might be thinking, "Why bother? Can’t I just freestyle it?" Been there, done that. But here’s the deal: a solid set of brand guidelines can transform your design game, making sure your work hits the mark with your client's audience.

What Are Brand Guidelines & Why Should You Care?

Brand guidelines are like your brand's playbook. They show how all the brand elements—logos, colors, fonts—should come together to create a consistent look. Without them, even small tweaks can throw off the brand's vibe, leading to a scattered and inconsistent presence. And if multiple people are involved, standardized guidelines are a lifesaver.

brand guidelines document for floral design business

What Should They Include?

✏️ Guiding Brand Descriptors: Start with the essentials—mission statement, core values, target audience. These are your design compass, keeping you aligned with the brand's vision.

🎨 Color Palette: Break out the hex codes, CMYK, RGB, and Pantone. Lay down the law on color usage, like which shades are text-friendly and which combos are a no-go.

📕 Typography: List out the fonts, their sizes, tracking, leading, and any special cases. Define character styles for headings, subheadings, body text, etc., and show these styles in action to set the hierarchy straight.

✨ Logo Suite: Showcase all logos and brand elements—icons, illustrations, patterns. Include usage guidelines: do’s and don’ts, sizing, spacing. Label each logo and specify where and when to use them.

🖼️ Collateral or Design References: Provide sample designs that illustrate the brand identity in action. Cover all bases—print, digital, social media, web. These examples are your brand in real-world scenarios.

Brand Style Guide vs. Brand Guidelines

📄 Style Guide: Think of this as a quick reference cheat sheet. It’s minimal and doesn’t dive deep into the brand system.

📓 Brand Guidelines: This is the full monty. A comprehensive document that anyone can pick up and understand how to use the brand elements effectively. It’s the brand’s bible.

Consider brand guidelines as your brand’s blueprint—the master plan, the secret sauce. This document is your go-to for maintaining consistency. It’s got everything from the basics to the nitty-gritty, making sure everyone—designers, marketers, agencies—is on the same wavelength.

The Chaos Without Brand Guidelines

So, what happens when you skip the guidelines? Picture this: different shades of blue in every marketing piece, inconsistent logo placements, mismatched fonts. It’s brand anarchy. Without guidelines, your brand identity starts to drift, and soon enough, it’s unrecognizable. Your audience gets mixed messages, and the brand loses its cohesive impact. The result? Confusion, diluted brand recognition, and a lot of wasted effort trying to get everyone back on track.

Ready to Level Up?

If you're ready to step up your branding game, check out our Brand Guidelines Template. It’s your ticket to creating cohesive and compelling brand identities. While you're at it, explore our other resources—templates, workshops, and more—designed just for designers like you.

Need more info or have questions? Drop us an email or visit our website. Besides branding services, we’ve got a treasure trove of resources (Courses! Workshops! Templates! Podcasts!) to keep you inspired and on top of your game. Dive into our creative playground and grab the tools that spark your creativity in all the right ways.

Our Bestselling Brand Guidelines Template ($26)